Muhammad Hambali, In’amul Wafi


The purpose of this study was to describe the responses of students
and lecturers to the implementation of online learning. The research
data is in the form of the results of filling out a questionnaire
containing closed questions and open questions related to the
implementation of online learning. Data were collected by distributing
questionnaires to 512 student respondents and 15 lecturer respondents.
The results showed that both lecturers and students were not very
happy with online learning. As for online learning that students prefer
is synchronous online learning because students find it easier to
understand learning material. Lecturers also prefer synchronous online
learning because it is more flexible and can reduce the burden on
lecturers. Even though online learning has been carried out, there are
many obstacles faced by students and lecturers in implementing online
learning. These constraints cause online learning to not be able to run
effectively and fun, even it seems boring for students. Therefore, it can
be suggested that learning can be carried out in a blended manner to
minimize the obstacles faced.

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